Zeus, also known as Zbot, is a trojan discovered in 2007 that infects computers with the primary goal of stealing banking information and other sensitive data. It spreads mainly through phishing emails and malicious downloads, and can log keystrokes to capture login credentials.
I Love You
The I-Love-You malware was a computer worm that appeared in May 2000 and spread through emails with the subject “ILOVEYOU” and an attachment named “LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs.” Upon opening the file, the worm would automatically send itself to all of the user’s contacts in Outlook, causing significant damage by overwriting files and stealing passwords.
Bonzy Buddy
BonziBuddy is mighty program giving users unlimited assistance. It was represented by digital purple gorilla. However, originally it turned out to be considered spyware and adware, this, because of this monkey collected personal data and displayed ads very annoying. This help to Yield legal actions and 0 the discontinuation of the program murder the software in 2004. BonziBuddy Quickly lost interest in the community, because it Kidnap information for bigg 3r companies.